The comfort of the cage

The other day I was running around Lake Merritt in Oakland. It was sunny, the sky was, well, sky blue with no clouds. The light was glimmering off the waves and a cormorant flew low over the water. My Oakland peoples were out running and walking their dogs. It was Springtime and life was in the air.

But I didn't care. I was worried, and I kept thinking about whether she was going to call. I would only feel better if she called. Or should I call her? Should I be honest and upfront about my needs because that is who I am, honest and upfront? Or should I play it smart, let her come to me, knowing that this strategy is probably more effective?

All of a sudden, I got pulled out of this tizzy of thinking and I realized where I was. I saw the water shining, I heard the rhythm of my footsteps, I smiled at a guy running in the opposite direction. I felt a part of this day, connected to the lake and the sun and the other people. I felt alive!

And then I remembered I was worried, and just as suddenly, I was back in my anxious little head, worrying and strategizing. As unpleasant as it was, it was as if a part of me actually preferred the worried thinking to the freedom of letting go.

This part of me said, "hey, yeah I know you are digging on the scene and and the sun and the lake and just being and all, but you have a life to worry about, so get back to worrying, bitch". And like a good bitch, I obeyed, worrying my little head off the rest of the run.

This is what I call the comfort of the cage: when we actually choose a crappy state of mind over a more free state of mind because somehow feeling good is scary and feeling bad is safe.

In my experience, there are three reasons we do this:

1. We are scared to not think about our lives. We feel like something bad will happen if we are not worrying, planning, analyzing. "Can't let go into the moment, because then the house of cards might topple". This is what happened to me when I was running around the lake.

2. Feeling good is scary because we might lose it and feel bad again, so instead of dealing with this fear, we decide to just get it over with and feel bad again. This happens a lot with people who are starting to get better from depression. They are so scared of falling back into depression that they can't enjoy the new, good feelings and end up exactly where they don't want to be - depressed again. It's like flying feels really good, but shit, I might crash, so I better go ahead and just land the plane.

3. We find ourselves feeling really good, and then part of our brain wants to figure out exactly how we got here, so instead of just enjoying, we start thinking again, and dammit, the good feeling is gone. This one happens to me sometimes during meditation. It's hard for me to enjoy the new scenery, I want to go back and create a map.

In each of these instances there is the underlying sense that uncertainty is unbearable, and we actually prefer unpleasant states of mind that we are familiar with to the uncharted terrain of being more alive to the moment.

I don't know of any foolproof tricks to stay in the moment. I just keep reminding myself to let go, that it is ok to get out of my head and enjoy what life has to offer. Maybe one day, I will no longer be my mind's bitch.

What about you? How do you get out of your head and let yourself be in the moment?

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